how to submit a claim
We make it a walk in the park to file a claim, so you can get cash back with ease. Simply pay your vet, send us the invoice, and get reimbursed on eligible vet bills.
submit claims in a snap
Submit claims effortlessly through the Member Center by signing in on your computer, tablet, phone, or by using the app!
- Open the app and select “Claims”
Get your claim started anywhere, anytime– even before you leave your vet's office.
- Tell us what happened
Answer a few questions about your pet’s treatment.
- Add a picture of your invoice
Snap a picture of your itemized invoice and any related notes from your vet.
- Hit "Submit" and get cash back on eligible vet bills in a flash
That's it! Use the app to track the status of your claim every step of the way.
The mobile app and Member Center are the fastest ways to get your claim started, but you can still submit them by email, fax, or mail. Just download a claim form* and follow the instructions.
*If you submit your claim via the Member Center or the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance app, you do not need a claim form. If you submit a claim by fax, email, or mail, you will need to submit a completed claim form.

Awesome app and service. I wish MY medical insurance was this fair and easy. At least my pets get good coverage though. And the app is simple and easy to use.
Sean D.
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