3 Facts About Vet Care
1. US pet parents spent an estimated $15.95 billion on veterinary care in 2016.
Veterinary care is the second highest pet care expense behind food. One reason we spend so much on veterinary care is because there are lots of advanced treatments for pets, such as MRI and chemotherapy. This is great for our pets but can be hard to manage financially. Complete CoverageSM can help you care for your pet with less worry about the cost.
US 2006 - 2016

American Pet Products Association,
Press Releases 2006-2016

+American Pet Products Association (APPA)
2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, April 2017
2. A surgical visit for a dog can cost nearly $500 plus additional care.+
We love that our dogs are curious, playful, and often bold. But those same qualities can get them into trouble. If they need surgery and aftercare, you could be faced with high vet bills. Complete CoverageSM gives you the comfort of knowing you’ll have help managing those bills.
3. Around 1.8 million pets are insured in North America.**
When you sign up for pet insurance, you’re in good company! Around 1.8 million responsible pet parents have made the decision to cover their pets. Maybe they had an experience with a costly veterinary bill. Or maybe they just felt it was important to plan ahead for their pet’s healthcare.
Pets in North America
Covered with Pet Insurance

**North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA),
State of Industry Report 2017
Sign up today before something unexpected happens to your pet.