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All About Chiweenies

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chihuahua dachshund mixed dog resting on a couch

Chiweenies are spunky little dogs that have big personalities. Although they are the perfect size for a lap dog, this is not a lazy, couch-potato breed. If you are considering adopting a Chiweenie, read on to learn more. Also, get the answers to common questions such as, “Are Chiweenies good dogs?” and “What kind of dog is a Chiweenie?”

About the Breed

Upon hearing the unique breed name, ‘Chiweenie,’ your first thought may be, “What is a Chiweenie?” A Chiweenie is a cross between a Chihuahua and Dachshund.

Each Chiweenie is a unique blend of various characteristics and physical traits inherited from both parent breeds. Typically, Chiweenies are playful and energetic dogs. Though they are arguably the perfect size to be a lap dog, these dogs won’t be ready to sit down and relax until they have gotten plenty of exercise and playtime.

Chiweenies can make for a handy watchdog, as they will bark anytime someone comes to your door or steps foot in your yard. These dogs are prone to barking, so they may not be the best choice if you prefer a quiet household. This is also worth keeping in mind if you live in an apartment, as your neighbors may not be fans of a yappy dog.

Chiweenies adore being the center of attention, and not all dogs of this breed will appreciate having to share attention and affection. These are ideal dogs for singles, couples, or small families. Chiweenies can get along with kids, but they generally do better with older kids—small children may accidentally be too rough with little dogs. No matter your kids’ age, it’s imperative that you teach children how to interact with your small dog. It is also recommended that you supervise all interactions between your dog and kids of any age.

Many Chiweenies will prefer to be the only pet in the house, but this will vary per dog. Other Chiweenies can learn to get along splendidly with other dogs or cats in the home. A great way to help your dog become more comfortable around other animals is to socialize them, beginning from a young age.

white chiweenie dog lying on a striped pillow

Breed History

Chiweenies, Choxies, or whichever name you know them by, are a relatively younger dog breed. Though it is entirely possible for there to have been some naturally occurring Dachshund and Chihuahua crosses before, it wasn’t until the 1990s in North America that dog breeders began purposely mixing these two breeds.

This breed was initially created with a goal in mind—to have a dog resembling the Dachshund but without the common Dachshund back problems. Over the years, this breed’s popularity has continued to increase.


Due to Chiweenies being mixed breed dogs, their appearance and size can vary from one dog to another. Though every Chiweenie has Chihuahua and Dachshund traits, there is no consistent formula for what percentage they will inherit from each parent breed.

Before adopting a Chiweenie, common questions asked about this breed include:

Do Chiweenies Shed?

How much a Chiweenie sheds will mainly be determined by their coat type. Short-coated pups will shed very little, but dogs with a longer coat will be prone to heavier shedding.

Are Chiweenies Hypoallergenic?

Chiweenies are not hypoallergenic. That said, some short-haired Chiweenies shed very little, which can mean a lower chance of an allergic reaction, but there is no guarantee for dog-allergy sufferers.

Are Chiweenies Good Dogs?

Chiweenies are most definitely good dogs. With proper care, love and attention, Chiweenies can also make wonderful companions and the best of friends.

How Big Do Chiweenies Get?

With both parent breeds being smaller in size, it’s no surprise that Chiweenies are also small dogs. The average weight for dogs of this breed is 5-12 pounds, and they typically stand 6-10 inches in height.

The expected lifespan for a Chiweenie is 12-16 years, though this range can fluctuate per dog. Items such as your dog’s diet, exercise routine, living environment, and overall health can all affect their average life expectancy.

Chiweenies can be white, brown, or black-colored, with coats in a solid or multi-colored pattern.

How to Train a Chiweenie

Properly training your dog is an essential part of being a responsible dog parent. Training should begin the same week you bring your pup home. Even if your puppy is still young, you may be surprised just how quickly your pal can catch on.

Chiweenies are intelligent, though some may be more stubborn or faster learners than others. Like many other small breed dogs, you may find that house training your Chiweenie will be a slower process.

When training your dog, it is crucial that you remain patient and positive. By keeping training sessions fun and engaging, you may have more success keeping your dog interested and their spirits high.

chiweenie on a walk


One of the best ways to keep your pup looking and feeling their best is to keep them well-groomed. If your dog has a short coat, they will only need to be brushed about once a week, but dogs with a longer coat may need brushed multiple times a week.

You should additionally brush your dog’s teeth throughout the week. Good dental hygiene can help your pup’s breath stay fresh, and it can reduce the chance of your Chiweenie developing periodontal disease. Be sure to use a dog-friendly toothbrush, which typically has softer bristles, and a dog-safe toothpaste—peanut butter is a popular flavor.

On average, your dog’s nails will need to be trimmed about once a month, though each dog’s nails grow at a different rate. You can easily purchase a pair of dog nail clippers and trim their nails yourself. However, if you do not feel comfortable quite yet with this grooming step, you can find a local dog groomer who offers this service—some veterinarians offer nail trimming as well.

Chiweenies can go a few months in between baths, but yours may need one more frequently if they have a knack for getting into messes. You may also find that, depending on your dog’s coat length, some Chiweenies may need baths more frequently than others.

Every few weeks, it’s recommended that you check your pup’s ears. If they appear dirty, gently clean the outer ear with a cotton ball and dog-safe ear cleaning solution. Never use a cotton swab or clean your dog’s inner ear, as these both could accidentally cause injury. In the instance that you notice your dog’s ears are more red than normal or there’s a bad odor, this could be an indication of an ear infection, in which case it’s crucial that you schedule your Chiweenie a veterinary appointment.

If your Chiweenie has floppy (instead of pointed) ears, they may be more prone to developing ear infections. A great way to reduce this risk is to make sure their ears are fully dry after a swim or bath.


When it comes to taking care of your Chiweenie, there are two essential items to keep in mind: diet and exercise. Your dog should be fed age-appropriate food for small, energetic pups. You should also give your dog multiple measured-out meals a day instead of one large portion.

Outside of their scheduled meals, you should keep an eye on any extra treats your pal may have—this includes any human food scraps. Chiweenies are prone to weight gain, which can quickly lead to a slew of other health problems.

Besides their diet, another great way to help your dog maintain a healthy weight is to make sure they are receiving enough daily exercise. These dogs require at least one half-hour to hour-long walk every day, plus some extra run around and playtime.

Due to Chiweenies being small in stature and them having a thinner coat, care should be taken during the colder months. You may need to buy your pal a little sweater or coat, particularly for when they must venture outside.

Common Health Issues

Chiweenies are a relatively healthy dog breed, but they are still susceptible to health issues. It’s also important to keep in mind that because this is a mixed breed, Chiweenies can inherit Chihuahua and Dachshund health issues.

According to our claims data,** the top issues that affect Chiweenies include,

  1. Irritated skin
  2. Gastrointestinal issues
  3. Allergies*
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Ear infections

As a Chiweenie parent, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with the signs for these common health issues. By knowing what to keep an eye out for, you can stay a step ahead with your dog’s health. In the instance that you notice a significant change in your pup’s behavior or health, it’s crucial that you schedule an appointment with their veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your pup is in otherwise great health, they will only need to visit their veterinarian on a yearly basis. These annual check-ups are crucial to keeping an eye on your dog’s health, and they are a wonderful opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

**Internal Claims Data, 2015-20

The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.


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