All About Shar-Pei
From an interesting history to a unique coat, there’s much to learn about the one-of-a-kind Shar-Pei before adopting one for yourself.
What is a Colorpoint Shorthair Cat? These felines are spunky, vocal, and make for great additions to most families. Learn more about these cats, including their history, personality, and some fun facts.
During the 1940s and 1950s, various cat breeders in America and England began creating a red-pointed Siamese cat by breeding together a seal point Siamese and a red tabby American Shorthair cat. This first litter was the beginning of the Colorpoint Shorthair cat. At this point, this was unheard of, as the traditional colors for Siamese cats included chocolate, lilac, blue, or seal.
What is unique about the Colorpoint Shorthair is that some people consider them a completely separate breed, while others classify it as a variation of the Siamese breed.
Colorpoint Shorthair cats are nearly identical to Siamese cats, one significant difference being their colors. Unlike Siamese cats, which are found in four main colors, Colorpoints can be found in a surprising variety of 16 different colors and patterns.
The typical Colorpoint Shorthair personality is friendly, outgoing, and often described as extroverted. These cats adore their family and prefer to spend their time with others—this is not a cat that can be left alone for endless hours. These cats will gladly cuddle up in your lap but still expect you to play with them and entertain them.
The average Colorpoint life expectancy is 8-12 years, although some have lived as long as 17 years. Since each cat is unique, the possibility exists that yours may live outside of this range.
The expected size for Colorpoint Shorthairs is 5-12 pounds, though some Colorpoints may weigh slightly more.
Colorpoints are not hypoallergenic cats. In other words, if you have a cat allergy, then this may not be the ideal cat choice for you.
Like humans, cats can also be affected by various allergies, which can include anything from grass to food. If you suspect that your feline friend has an allergy, it is crucial that you take them to see their veterinarian as soon as possible in order to confirm the allergy and treat any symptoms.
Colorpoint Shorthairs can be found in over a dozen colors which can include: red, cream, cinnamon, fawn, seal, chocolate, blue, lilac, lynx, and tortie points.
Something that may catch first-time Colorpoint parents off-guard is how vocal these felines can be. Not only do they talk often, but their voice can carry, and they have an array of sounds they cycle through.
Although these felines are typically easy-going, they are still known to be sensitive and get anxious when there are many changes in their daily schedules or environment. These cats can be an excellent choice for families with children, but it is best if they can grow up together. Be sure to teach children of all ages how to interact properly with your cat.
Lucky for Colorpoint parents, these cats do not have extensive grooming needs. Their easy-to-groom, short-haired coat should be brushed at least once a week in order to maintain their coat health and remove any dead hairs. A few times a week, you should also brush your cat’s teeth.
Every few weeks, you will need to check your cat’s ears and clean them if they appear dirty. If you ever notice any unusual redness or a poor odor, this could be a sign that your cat has an ear infection, in which case it is vital that they visit their veterinarian. Around a month, though the schedule can vary per cat, your pal’s nails will also need to be trimmed.
Much of a Colorpoint Shorthair’s care routine is fairly by the book. These cats require daily exercise, so purchasing various toys, a climbing tower, and a scratching post for your pal is recommended. These cats are also incredibly smart, so it can be beneficial to provide them with mental stimulation. This can include anything such as puzzle games, or you can teach your cat various tricks.
As a cat parent, it is imperative that you feed your pal an appropriate diet. For these cats, it is not recommended that you leave food out all day, allowing them to graze at their leisure. This is an easy way for your cat to unnecessarily pack on those extra pounds, which can lead to various other health conditions. Instead, measure out your cat’s food and feed them only the recommended amount per meal. Additionally, watching your cat’s weight means keeping those extra treats and sweets to a minimum.
Some Colorpoint (particularly males) may show some signs of being territorial. Learn how to deal with territorial cats.
Colorpoint Shorthair cats are considered to be reasonably healthy, but they can still be susceptible to some health issues. According to our claims data,** the top five issues that affect this breed include:
Although these are some of the more common health-related issues for this breed, there is no guarantee that your cat will develop any or all of these conditions.
After first adopting your feline friend, it is essential that you set them up with a local veterinarian within the first week. Following their initial appointment, it will be necessary to continue taking your Colorpoint to the veterinarian on a yearly basis. That said, if you notice any changes in your cat’s health or behavior, never hesitate to schedule an appointment sooner.
Even if your four-legged friend appears to be perfectly happy and healthy, it’s imperative that you do not skip their annual check-up. Since cats are naturally lethargic animals, they are notorious for being able to hide when they don’t feel their absolute best.
By learning more fun facts about the Colorpoint Shorthair cat, you will have plenty of fun trivia to share with friends, family, and fellow cat parents.
After adopting your Colorpoint, the next step is selecting a name. Of course, inspiration for pet names comes from nearly anywhere, but if you find yourself unable to narrow down your choices, check out the following list of food-inspired cat names.
If you like the idea of a food or drink-inspired pet name, then this list is just the tip of the iceberg for options.
**Internal Claims Data, 2015-20
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.