Your Pet’s First Vet Visit
Start your cat or dog off on the right paw. Find out everything you need to know for before, during, and after your pet’s first veterinarian visit.
Mini Australian Labradoodles are a friendly, outgoing breed with an uncanny resemblance to a teddy bear. Before adopting one of these cuddly pups, read up on some helpful Mini Australian Labradoodle information, including this breed’s temperament, grooming requirements, and exercise needs.
What is a Mini Australian Labradoodle? These dogs can be described in many ways: wonderful family dogs, great companions, fantastic workout buddies, and a best friend. Since dogs of this breed have quite a bit of energy, they may be a little too much for first-time dog parents, but overall, these dogs can along with nearly everyone.
Mini Australian Labradoodles can be a splendid option for households with children—your dog and child can easily match each other’s energy. Dogs of this breed can also do well in a multi-pet home, though it is most helpful when your pup is socialized and introduced to their four-legged siblings from a young age.
Due to their smaller size, Mini Australian Labradoodles can make ideal apartment dogs, but that’s not to say that they wouldn’t also thrive in a house or on a farm. Although these pups don’t require an extensive amount of inside living space, they still need plenty of outdoor time so that they can stretch their legs and burn off energy.
Labradoodles first made an appearance in the 1980s. Australian dog breeder, Wally Conron, was tasked with creating a guide dog that was more suitable for people with a dog allergy. Having a lower dander count, Poodles were the perfect breed to mix with the friendly and helpful Labrador Retriever, thus began the Labradoodle.
Over the years, as Doodle mixes have become increasingly more popular, the Mini Australian Labradoodle came about as a mix between Poodles, Labradors, and Cocker Spaniels. These dogs are unique because they are a mix of three separate breeds, not the usual two.
With three different dog breeds with overlapping sounding names, it’s not always easy to keep each separate. Mini Australian Labradoodles are a mix of three breeds: Cocker Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers, and Miniature Poodles. Cockapoos are a mix of two breeds: Cocker Spaniels and Poodles. As you may have already concluded from their name, Aussiedoodles have Australian Shepherd and Poodle parents.
The typical Mini Australian Labradoodle temperament is favorable and easy-going. These are a great middle-of-the-road breed, making them a wonderful choice for most families. However, before adopting one, most pet parents first have some questions about these dogs that they want to be answered. Common questions include:
Yes, Mini Australian Labradoodles do shed, though not excessively. With that in mind, how much your dog sheds may be determined by their coat texture: hair, fleece, or wool. Usually, hair will shed the most and wool the least.
No dog breed is fully hypoallergenic, but some are more allergy-friendly than others, the Mini Australian Labradoodle being one of them.
Mini Australian Labradoodles are considered small, typically weighing between 15-25 pounds and standing around 14-16 inches at their shoulder. Even though these are the standard measurements for these dogs, there can be variance from one litter to another because they are a mixed breed.
An average life expectancy for Mini Australian Labradoodles is 13-15 years, though this range can be affected by many factors, including your dog’s genetics, lifestyle, and overall health.
Although it’s known that your pup will be a mix of Cocker Spaniel, Lab, and Poodle, there’s no telling what percentage of your dog’s genetics will be from each parent breed.
One of the many fun and rewarding parts of being a dog parent is getting to train your dog. Training can be a rewarding process that is both enjoyable for you and your dog, plus it allows you and your best pal to spend some quality time with one another.
Training should begin as early as possible. Whether you adopt your dog at five months of age or five years, you can start training the very day you bring your pal home. Remember to be consistent, patient, never use harsh tones, and provide rewards for a job well done.
If you notice that your dog seems to be getting bored during training, it may be helpful to keep sessions on the shorter side, mix up commands, or simply change the environment in which you are training. Positivity and being your dog’s biggest cheerleader can also be effective in keeping your pup’s spirits high and their attention on you.
On top of commands, other essential training items include house training. You may be surprised just how quickly these intelligent dogs can learn, but some Mini Australian Labradoodles may take a little more time than others.
For dog parents, crate training is also a valuable resource. Your dog’s crate can be a comfy place for them to take a nap and a safe retreat whenever they feel overwhelmed. Not to mention, whenever your dog is home alone, you can have the peace of mind that they will be secure in their crate, instead of possibly rooting around in the garbage or making confetti out of your couch.
Going hand-in-hand with training is socialization. Socialization mainly involves introducing your dog to new people, places, sights, and sounds, so the possibilities are endless. Similar to training, socialization should begin as early as possible and continue throughout your pup’s life.
Keeping your pup well-groomed is a major responsibility of being a dog parent. Helping your pup look their best can also help them feel their best. Not to mention, your dog’s external health is just as important as their internal health.
You should brush your dog’s teeth multiple times throughout the week, be sure to use a dog-safe toothbrush and toothpaste. About every other week, you will want to do a quick check of your dog’s ears. If they appear dirty, clean the outer ear with a cotton ball and dog-safe ear cleaning solution—never use cotton swabs or clean down into the inner ear.
While checking your dog’s ears, if you ever notice any unusual redness or a bad odor, this could be the sign of an ear infection. In which case, it’s essential that you take them to their veterinarian as soon as possible. Though their floppy ears are adorable, Mini Australian Labradoodles can be more likely to develop ear infections because of them. Keeping their ears clean and drying them thoroughly after a bath or swim can help reduce infections.
If you notice that your dog is prone to getting eye goopies, simply use a soft, damp cloth to wipe away from their eyes gently. Use a new cloth or the opposite corner for each eye.
Of course, coat care is an essential grooming item when it comes to Mini Australian Labradoodles. Depending upon your dog’s coat texture, they may need to be brushed only once a week or nearly every day. On top of monthly nail trimming and a bath every few months, your pup will also need their hair trimmed every few months. Like nearly all Doodles, their hair will continuously grow, so you can either give them a little trim every so often or do a more drastic haircut a few times a year.
Caring for a Mini Australian Labradoodle is a rewarding task. Given the care and attention they need, in return, these adorable pups will shower you with unconditional love.
Step one of caring for your best pal is to find an outlet for that Mini Australian Labradoodle energy. As a smaller breed, these dogs typically require close to an hour of physical exercise every day. This can be in the form of a walk, hike, jog, or run. Even some off-leash running is a terrific option, as long as your pup is in a securely fenced-in area. On top of exercise, your Mini Australian Labradoodle will also want some playtime every day.
Besides physical exercise, it’s vital that your dog also receives mental stimulation. Mini Australian Labradoodles are intelligent dogs that enjoy getting the chance to work their minds. Going for walks in new areas is a fantastic way to keep your dog’s mind and nose busy with new sights and smells. Other ways to exercise your pup’s brain include working on more complex tricks or commands and providing puzzle games.
Mini Australian Labradoodles are naturally social dogs that prefer to spend time with their family. By exercising and playing with your dog, you are simultaneously providing them with the one-on-one attention they crave and the mental and physical stimulation they need.
Of course, as many seasoned dog parents are already aware, one of the best ways to your dog’s heart is through their stomach. Providing your dog with a nutritious and age-appropriate diet is crucial to keep them energized and in great health. It is recommended that you divvy up your dog’s daily food into multiple, measured meals instead of allowing them to graze all day from their bowl.
While there’s no doubt that your best pal deserves every treat in the pet store, it’s best to think of treats as a dessert for your dog—a few are okay every so often. Too many treats can lead to some unwanted pounds and eventually to obesity. This also means you shouldn’t sneak your dog people-food scraps, especially since there’s a long list of foods that dogs cannot have.
Mini Australian Labradoodles are relatively healthy dogs, but they are still susceptible to developing health issues. According to our recent pet insurance claims data,** the top issues that affect this breed are:
Although these are the most common conditions for this breed, there is no guarantee that your dog will develop any or all the ones listed above.
When you first adopt your Mini Australian Labradoodle, it will be necessary to establish them with a local veterinarian. Depending upon your pup’s age, they may need to receive a few shots before they can go out and socialize with other dogs.
One of the best ways to keep an eye on your dog’s health is to take them for yearly appointments with their veterinarian. Even if your dog appears to be in perfect health, it’s essential that you never cancel their annual check-up. Plus, these appointments can also be beneficial for you. Your veterinarian is a valuable resource if you have any questions about being a dog parent or concerns about your pup’s health or behavior.
**Internal Claims Data, 2015-20
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.