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QUIZ: Which Pet is Your Ideal Match?

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Black and white cat sits next to black and white dog as they look to the side

Pets all have their own unique personalities, which depend on their nature and experiences—just like people, right? And just like in our relationships with people, it often helps if we share some of the same likes, interests, and character traits as our furry best friends.

Those similarities can make it easier to form a strong bond with your pet since you can spend time doing things you love together. That doesn’t mean you have to like chasing sticks in the backyard or snoozing in a sunbeam—although that last one does sound pretty nice! But a pet that matches up with your personality and lifestyle might be a great fit for you.

For instance, maybe you love to stay active and are always looking for your next adventure. Then your perfect pet could be an energetic companion that has no problem keeping up with you. Or perhaps you are a bit of a homebody who looks forward to curling up on the couch at the end of the day. In that case, you might be a better match with a pet who loves warm snuggles as much as you do.

Then again, opposites can also attract. You might be a great match with a pet who makes it easier for you to pause, sit back, and relax every now and then or one who prompts you to get off the couch and go outside more often. In any case, the most important thing is that you and your pet love each other.

So what are you waiting for? Take our perfect pet quiz to see what kind of pet might be right for you. It can give you some fun food for thought if you’re looking to welcome a new pet into your family or wondering how well you and your pet match up. When you’re done, be sure to check out our “What Kind of Pet Parent Are You?” quiz.


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