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Vet Clinics in 99901
All Creatures Animal Hospital
Unit G108 15785 Croydon Dr
Surrey, AK 99901(604) 560-8344
Ambleside Animal Hospital
1455 Marine Drive
Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 922-4157
Blue Cross Pet Hospital
2214 Hastings St E
Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 253-1141
Calgary North Animal Hospital + 24 Hour Emergency Service
4204-4th Street NW
Calgary, AK 99901(403) 277-0135
Fax: (403) 230-2335 -
Downtown Animal Hospital
16 Bath Road #1A
Kingston, AK 99901(613) 634-2440
Edmonds St. Animal Hospital
7621 Edmonds St
Burnaby, AK 99901(604) 540-7387
Fax: (604) 522-3111 -
Fish Creek 24 Hour Pet Hospital
15311 Bannister Road SE
Calgary, AK 99901(403) 873-1700
Fax: (403) 873-1766 -
Gander Veterinary Clinic
26 Roe Avenue
Gander, AK 99901(709) 256-3891
Highland Animal Hospital
3044 Highland Blvd
North Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 985-0454
Fax: (604) 985-8748 -
Island to Island Veterinary Clinic
355 Carlanna Lake Road
Ketchikan, AK 99901(907) 313-7911
Fax: (907) 225-7391 -
Limestone Valley Animal Hospital
6634 Guelph Line
Burlington, AK 99901(905) 336-2445
Manitou Animal Hospital
5 Manitou Drive Unit #2
Kitchener, AK 99901(519) 893-1360
Mayne Veterinary Clinic Inc
500A Felix Jack Road
Mayne Island, AK 99901(250) 539-5195
Mountainside Animal Hospital
2580 Capilano Road
North Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 973-9928
Point Grey Veterinary Hospital
4362 W 10th Ave
Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 228-9633
Fax: (604) 228-1655 -
Russell Equine
335 Hamilton Rd
Russell, AK 99901(613) 445-3521
Saseenos Veterinary Services
5490 Sooke Rd.
Sooke, AK 99901(250) 642-7387
Fax: (250) 642-7686 -
Seafair Animal Clinic
#7-8671 No. 1 Rd
Richmond, AK 99901(604) 272-5253
Stonetree Veterinary Clinic
989 Stedman St
Ketchikan, AK 99901(907) 931-8988
Fax: (907) 225-7391 -
VCA Beardall Animal Hospital
393 bath Rd
Kingston, AK 99901(613) 544-6336
VCA Canada Calgary Animal Referral & Emergency Centre
7140 12th Street S.E.
Calgary, AK 99901(403) 520-8387
VCA Canada Vancouver Animal Emergency and Referral Centre
2303 Alberta St
Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 879-3737
Fax: (604) 733-6340 -
14 Birch Ave
Toronto, AK 99901(844) 619-0123
Waterfront Park Veterinary Clinic
104-252 W Esplanade
North Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 971-5051
Fax: (844) 274-1142 -
West End Veterinary Clinic
73 Denman St
Vancouver, AK 99901(604) 685-4535